The humor was ok, but I just got bored of it.
The humor was ok, but I just got bored of it.
Yay! A fellow deviant! This was great, I liked the animation more than the comic because of the extra things you added. Audio, graphics, plot, all was great. Good job, I'll be watching you on deviantart :P
It's times like these I thank my Spanish background, so I can laugh when everyone else is confused. Fantastico!
Diarrhea, And this time, it's for real.
Well, it's official, there's no way I CAN'T laugh when I hear the word diarrhea, so good job. Simple graphics + your humor = magic.
the way the guy said somethings reminded me of home star runner. o.0 hmm
That was fantastic. I love how you're able to make such simple shapes into awesome characters and cartoons- Plus the story was cute, great job.
Pretty good, short and simple. The graphics were great... I can't really complain
The storyline was simple and easy to understand, but what made the whole thing PERFECT was the crazy effects and colors you added in to the make it that much more intense. Great job
Pretty good
Good job for a first flash. It's great that you had sound, i recently entered my first also and I got torn apart for not having any, haha. But next time try to give your characters more emotion. Like when the clown pulls up the bouquet of balloons, the guy could have put up his hands and his expression could have changed and he could have slowly backed away.
Why thank you.
Age 34, Female
Joined on 7/17/04